Clean House - The Most Realistic Mission in Call of Duty EVER! [4K UHD]

Revisiting Call of Duty Modern Warfare (2019) to replay the riveting “Clean House“ mission which has been living in my head rent-free since I first played it when Modern Warfare released! Playing on Realism difficulty for maximum immersion and captured on PC with ultra graphics & Nvidia DLSS enabled in glorious 4K! Leave a like if you enjoy the video. Thanks for watching! 🔴 My Livestream! ▼ Connect with me: Twitter Instagram Facebook Discord ▶ Merchandise is now available here! ♫ Music courtesy of Epidemic Sound: #callofduty #modernwarfare #cleanhouse #warzone ▶ Clean House - The Most Realistic Mission in Call of Duty EVER! [4K HDR]
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