10 MIN CHRISTMAS DANCE WORKOUT - the quickest & happiest 10min I 2022 Version
HO HO HO - here speaks a happy reindeer, dancing with a rainbow ♥︎ isn’t that CRAZY luck? It was a rainy day, I had no clue where to film and suddenly there was a rainbow, staying for the entire length of the workout. Basically a little Christmas gift from heaven! / Werbung
So, put on a smile & you’re ready to go ♥︎ No matter if you’re in your pyjama, sweater or workout outfit - this one is always great to brighten up your mood! You can go with 100% energy to make it a “workout“ or you can go easy and just enjoy it as a fun moment in your living room :)
The moves are prettyyyy easy to follow (definitely easier than the 2021 version) and I’m super sure you’ll get the hang out of it in the 2nd round of doing it!
▸ Song 1: A cute start to get into the mood
▸ Song 2: More advanced and more intense. I want you to FEEL being a bear in the wild haha. And let’s not forget about those body rolls!
▸ Song 3: Ask
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Специально к чаепитию для наших дам. Воздушный рулет с очень вкусным кремом. Brazo gitano con crema