United Kingdom Song - A fun kid’s song about the UK and its capitals for EYFS, KS1 & KS2

United Kingdom Song - A fun kid’s song about the UK and its capitals for EYFS, KS1 & KS2. Great if you’re teaching about the United Kingdom and it’s capitals at primary school, elementary school, kindergarten and preschool. It’s a simple song that helps children learn about England, Scotland, Wales, Norther Ireland and their four capital cities. Scroll down to the bottom for the lyrics. If you like this song you might like our longer 8 minute animation - which tells you everything you need to know about The United Kingdom if you’re in primary school. It covers what the UK is and it’s place in the world, the geography including the cities, lakes, rivers and mountains and the foods that we eat. It also ends with The United Kingdom song to help you remember what the capital of each country is! FOR ALL OUR SONGS, ANIMATIONS, TUTORIALS & RESOURCES - VISIT - (we have way more songs, etc, on our website! Regards Al) Silly School Education is a family run company based in Cambrid
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