New Athos Cave | Abkhazia 🌿 Part 2

🔺 Hall ‘Anakopia’ (it contains two underground lakes: Anatolia and Goluboe, earlier It called the hall ‘Abkhazia’ and the hall ‘Apsny’) 🔸 Hall ‘Makhadzhirs’ (formerly the hall ‘Speleologists’, before that it qualified as two different halls - the hall ‘Georgian speleologists’ and the hall ‘Disappearing Lake’) 🔺Hall ‘Nartaa’ (also hall ‘Narta’, here is the third lake, Nameless, and the grotto ‘Deer’, originally called the hall ‘Sounds’ with Lake Zhaneliusov and the grotto ‘Deer’) 🔸Corallite Gallery (includes the original Chrysanthemum Hall, the Plaster Grotto and the Stone Flowers Gallery) 🔺Hall of Speleologists (the highest hall, formerly the Apsar Hall) 🔸Hall named after Givi Smyr (also known as the hall ‘Sukhum’, originally - the hall ‘Fantasy’); 🔺Hall ‘Ayuhaa’ (previously called the gallery ‘Canyon’ and the gallery ‘Tuff dams’) 🔸Apkhyartsa Hall (Abkh. Apkhyartsa - a national 2-string bowed musical instrument; earlier -
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