500+Hp Audi 80 Quattro 1.7 Turbo || 0-100Km/h under 2 Seconds

Our HillClimb Monsters Channel was once again part of the organization of the Retro Rides Gathering show in 2019 and we were responsible for the Guest Car line-up, which we will be showing in the next weeks. And it will all start here with Keith Murray´s latest evolution of his Audi 80 quattro, now with its Turbocharged engine at of displacement and producing over 500Hp/ to all Four Wheels. This unique creation by the British Racing Driver and Tuner (owner of Dialynx) was originally a Turbo machine built to take advantage of the rulebook and fit on a lower Class, but now with the latest rul...es changes, it is finally free to show its true potential and take advantage of its 860Kg weight and display truly terrifying performance. Nothing better to test this newly found power than a good number of demonstration runs up Shelsley Walsh as a Guest Car of our event and impress the public with is incredibly efficiency. So much so that the combination of low weight, 4 wheel drive and boosted, unrestricted was able to achieve some very impressive figures, including a 1.9 second sprint from 0-100Km/h... Now that´s what we call potential....
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