Stretches for Lower Back Pain Relief & Tight Hips | 15 Min. Recovery and flexibility

Enjoy this effective Yoga inspired Stretching Routine to release tension in your hips and lower back. This routine is designed to reduce tension, and gain more relaxation and body awareness. Do your back a favour, and gift yourself with these beautiful 15 minutes on the mat. If you are new to Stretching and Yoga and you’re looking for some modifications within the postures, feel free to implement the following adjustments: Sitting crosslegged: put a cushion/folded blanket under your buttocks to elevate your hips. Down Dog: Bend your legs to maintain a straight back. Deep Lunge: Put a blanket/pillow under your knee to create more comfort. Half Pigeon: Put a blanket/pillow under your buttocks. If it’s still too intensive, practise lying figure four stretch (=Nadelöhr) Straddle Forward Fold: Just stay upright. Be patient. Your are totally fine here. Please always listen to your body, follow your breath and only go as deep into a posture as it truly feels good and safe. Enjoy
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