Model ship building #35 - BOAT - RAGUSIAN CARRACK XVIc - KIT (MarisStella)

#marisstellashipkit #olhabatchvarov 💡All videos about the RAGUSIAN Carrack XVI in the PLAYLIST: Building a model of Ragusian Carrack from the 16th century. KIT manufactured by the Croatian company MarisStella. Here I share my personal impressions of the kit and results. ⚓️Official store with worldwide delivery: ,118,ragusian-carrack-77-5cm-1-59 ⚓️Boat 15-16 century - 95 mm: 🎞What’s in the box: 🎞 How to make a seizing quickly: 🎞 Ultimation Modeling Tools: 🎞 GLUE for wooden Shipmodeling: 🎞 How to make PVA curing in 15 seconds: ⚓️You
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