Transformers Stop motion film : Bumble Bee and Atom from Real Steel | figure fight 트랜스포머 피규어 스톱모션
2632 photos were taken for this stop motion animation. I made this film five months ago... but from the year of 2020, I will upload more stop-motion films often, actually I am making other stop motion films like IRONMAN, SPIDERMAN and etc. hope you guys like it.
check more stop motions in my channel below
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트랜스포머 범블비와 영화 “리얼스틸“의 주인공, 아톰 피규어를 활용한 피규어 스톱모션 영상입니다. 무려... 5개월 전에 촬영한 스톱모션입니다. 영화 트랜스포머를 보면 범블비의 싸