人が消えた街、闇の到来と共に姿を現す菅原道真公率いる妖たちと京の都を守る陰陽師たちの戦い。未だ困難な状況は続きますが、覆面和踊集団 太宰府まほろば衆のダンスビデオで皆さんに少しでも幸せが届けられれば幸いです。共に乗り越えましょう。🙏 This dance video is the culmination of the Dazaifu Mahoroba-shu collection and is not just a dance video, it is a respect for Michizane Sugawara and the embodiment of his story. The creation of this video would not have been possible without the joint efforts of Game Creator Ikumi Nakamura, Movie crew CHINZEI, and lot of investors, who spearheaded the project. It was a difficult situation, but the team created by the connections made it possible to complete the best work. We hope that this video will bring you all a little bit of happiness, even though the difficult situation continues. We’ll get through this, together.🙏 DIRECTED & CONCEPTUALIZED : IKUMI NAKAMURA @nakamura193 FILMED & EDITED by CHINZEI @chinzei_jp DANCERS : DAZAIFU MAHOROBASHU @dazaifumahoroba CHOREOGRAPHED : UME NO SOCH
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