Male Personality Types Explained | Sigma Male, Alpha Male, Zeta Male, Delta Male, Beta Male, Omega

Male Personality Types Explained | Sigma Male, Alpha Male, Zeta Male, Delta Male, Beta Male, Omega Male. You can do the MBTI test to find your personality type (for example, most of the sigma males are intj s). If you enjoyed this video, hit the like button and make sure to subscribe! I really do appreciate your support. 🙏 Credits to . Many thanks to Fred! Go check out their website. 7. Gamma males Gamma males tend to be lower status men. They tend not to chalk up many ‘wins’ with the ladies, so they have a bitter or negative attitude toward the women who scorn them and the men who bed those women. In fact, many gammas see themselves as alpha males, thanks to what’s known as the secret king delusion trait. Gammas have lofty illusions of their own grandeur, and (erroneously) see themselves as deserving of the top spot in the hierarchy. They reject the notion that their low status stems from their negative behavior traits. They choose,
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