Men Of The Mountain Aka Man Of The Mountains (1930)

“Not everybody goes to Switzerland for mountain climbing - some seek the high spots of Mexico.“ L/S of a snow capped mountain. “The workshop of the gods, a bleak misshapen waste, gutted with watery caverns.“ M/S of glacier with a river flowing beneath it. Camera pans across the landscape. Various shots of rocky terrain. “One of Nature’s freaks - a waterfall that turns to snow!“ L/S of waterfall in the distance. In the foreground of the shot is a tent and several men milling about. Closer shot of the waterfall. It looks like snow dropping down rather than water. A man climbs up close to the waterfall and puts his hand out to feel the snow. M/S of the man holding his hand out. The men of the mountain - the fellows who get their thrill in life out of creeping up the majestic slopes.“ The camera pans across a snowy, rocky landscape. Several men are seen climbing up a snowy slope. Closer shot of the men - they use ice picks to help them conquer the mountain. “...and the summit is the only
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