Selected Originals Landy Loses, But... (1956)

Selected Originals (offcuts, selected scenes, out-takes, rushes) for story “Landy loses, but....“ 56/39 Identical to the original item without voice over or music. Coliseum Stadium, Los Angeles, California, United States of America (USA). LV. John Landy walking along track preparing for his run at the Coliseum Stadium Los Angeles (title super over) GV. Massed crowd. SCU. at start of race Landy Coming up to the line on Landy’s right is Bailey. MS. Starter. LV. Ron Delaney leading, Bailey lying fourth and Landy start to take up the leadership. GV. Massed crowd. LV. Landy about two yards ahead of Bailey and Bailey is coming up fast on the outside - Bailey gets level with Landy as they race for the home straight - last bend is at and Bailey is slight in front of Landy - very slightly camera pans with them towards finish and its a rare old battle with Landy about a foot behind and Bailey breaks - makes the gap a little larger - Bailey breaks the tape with Landy about a yard behind pan with Bailey jigging
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