New leader of Taliban in Pakistan vows to strike back at US

(5 Oct 2009) 1. Mid of leader of the Taliban in Pakistan, Hakimullah Mehsud and Taliban fighters 2. Mid of Taliban fighter holding rocket propelled grenade launcher 3. Mid of Mehsud and Taliban fighters sitting on the ground, shaking hands 4. SOUNDBITE (Urdu) Hakimullah Mehsud, head of Pakistan Taliban: “Right from the beginning we want to make this clear, that America has illegally captured Afghanistan, and this is our top priority, to finish this, and remove America from the soil of Afghanistan, and get rid of these people from the Afghan nation. We were against the Americans and NATO forces right from the beginning. But our (referring to Pakistan’s) army has left us with no choice, in truth, we don’t want to fight against the Pakistan army, our aim is to remove the Americans from this region and to fight with the American troops.“ 5. Close of guns 6. Mid of Mehsud and Taliban fighters 7. Close of guard with gun 8. SOUNDBITE (Urdu) Hakimullah Mehsud,
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