Performance filmed on 23 November 2019 at the Metropolitan Opera in New York
Anthony Roth Costanzo, Akhnaten
J’Nai Bridges, Nefertiti
Dísella Lárusdóttir, Queen Tye
The Window of Appearances
A windowed balcony of the palace used for state appearances. The music from the opening of the coronation scene is heard again, played on large bells and providing a musical and dramatic transition to what follows. Akhnaten is joined by Nefertiti and his mother, Queen Tye. They approach the Window of Appearances and sing (first a solo, then a duo and finally a trio) through the window. It a hymn of acceptance and resolve and, in spirit, announces a new era.
Text sung in Egyptian by Akhnaten, Nefertiti, and Queen Tye (from Budge, The Gods of Egyptians)
Tut wu-a yeri enti
Wa-a Wa-u yeri wenenet
Perer en rem em yertif
Kheper Netcheru tep ref
Yeri semu se-ankh menmen
Khet en ankhu en henmemet
Yeri ankh-ti remu en yetru
Apdu genekh pShow more