Making a Puukko

One of my most popular knives is the Scandanavian style Puukko. My design is contemporary rather than traditional. I use 75CR1 steel that I have laser cut from 4mm sheets. Each blade is fully hardened and tempered individually, before grinding. The finish on this blade is a fire scale finish with an A30 bevel finish. I don’t polish the bevels because the method of sharpening these blades will quickly undo any efforts at a satin finish. The handle is from Camphor burl with a stabilised maple burl spacer. I use a poly fibre board and brass shim stock for spacers. The guard is hydro cut from brass to save time and wasteage. When the handle is done at a 1200 finish (Old 600 belt) I soak the wood in boiled linseed oil over night. After that you can use any number of wood sealers to finish it. This model sells for US$285 from me or from Blade Gallery. Comes with a swinger sheath which I will make in another video. Material also varies from blade to blade. THIS KNIFE IS CURRENTLY AVAILABLE AT Track: Powerdriver Full Music provided by LIMO Recording Studio. Licensed under Creative Commons Attribution 2.0 Generic (CC BY 2.0) () /
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