Dark Angels vs Black Legion | 40K Boarding Action Battle Report

Mission Objectives MISSION RULES Lights Out: At the end of each player’s Movement phase, roll one D6 for each Lighting Area: on a 1-3, until the end of the turn, the lights in that area turn off. When selecting a target for a ranged attack, if the attacking unit or the target are wholly within a Lighting Area that has the lights off: * If the target is more than 9“ away, that attack cannot be made. * If the target is within 9“, subtract 1 from that attack’s hit roll. When selecting the targets of a charge, if the charging unit or the potential target are wholly within a Lighting Area that has the lights off: * If the potential target is more than 9“ away, that unit cannot be a target of that charge. * If the potential target is within 9“, subtract 1 from the charge roll (to a maximum of -1, regardless of how many units are in Lighting Areas with the lights off). Underdog Bonus: If one player is the
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