С.Лемешев Не пой/ Romance

Сергей Лемешев. Не пой, красавица. (C. Рахманинов - А.Пушкин). Старинный русский романс. Sergei Lemeshev. Ne Poi,Krasavitsa...(Do not Sing, My Beauty...). Russian Romance (S. Rachmaninov - A. Pushkin). Do not sing, my beauty, to me your sad songs of Georgia; they remind me of that other life and distant shore. Alas, They remind me, your cruel melodies, of the steppe, the night and moonlit features of a poor, distant maiden! That sweet and fateful apparition I forget when you appear; but you sing, and before me I picture that image anew. Do not sing, my beauty, to me your sad songs of Georgia; they remind me of that other life and distant shore. Géorgienne Ma belle, ne dis plus tout bas Les vieux refrains de Géorgie, Par grâce, ne rappelle pas Les heureux jours d’une autre vie. Tu chantes et je crois revoir La nuit, la steppe solitaire, Et sous les pâles feux du soir, Les traits
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