Women of India lead fight for Home Rule (1922)

GAUMONT GRAPHIC NEWSREEL (REUTERS) To license this film, visit Indian women listen to Madame Vedi and Jawaharlal Nehru urging independence for their nation through the spinning wheel Full Description: INDIA: EXT GV crowd of women surrounding Mme Vedi making speech. SV group of women listening to speech. SV Mme Vedi standing by Gandhi spinning wheel making speech. Mme Vedi foremost leader of fair sex urges all India’s women to use the Gandhi spinning wheel and blacklist the white man’s machinery. LS women and children stand listening from balcony. SV Mme Vedi making speech. GV crowd of women listening to Nehru standing by spinning wheel making speech. The spinning wheel is India’s symbol of independence, says Pandit Nehru, Gandhi’s right hand man. SV Nehru standing by spinning wheel making speech. G V elev. woman and children watch as two woman demonstrate spinning wheel. ( 2 shots). GV groups
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