THEODOR BASTARD. “Tapachula“. Live at ZO (Saint Petersburg, 2012)

Концерт Theodor Bastard. Петербургская презентация альбома “Oikoumene“ в “Зале Ожидания“. Theodor Bastard live performance. Presentation of the new album Theodor Bastard “Oukoumene“. Theodor Bastard facebook - Aki Nawaz (Fun-Da-Mental) said about collaboration with Theodor Bastard: “Theodor Bastard reflect the genuien art of musical expression in all its parameters, seeking sounds outside of comfort zones and dictated parameters and this runs right to the heart of FunDaMental and its own artist has a choice to be part of breaking their own indoctrination and venturing into new zones, Theodor bastard do this which is not only challenging but also courageous, we should be judged by what new movements we create not by been part of commercial success but the art itself and what and how it reflects on peoples journey into music.“Do what you wish “ were the instructions to us and thats the first and only rule of art and so we did.“
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