Title. Mohan Khokar Dance Archives. Ep2: A Century of Indian Dance (1901-2000)

A century of Indian Dance (1901-2000) is a classic compilation by Prof. Ashish Mohan Khokar. It was premiered 10 years ago in USA; then shown in Germany, Italy, France and Mauritius. In India, 5 universities (Baroda, Pune, Bangalore, Rai at Ashoka and Flame at Pune), platformed it, where Khokar regularly discourses on Indian dance history. Over 100 star-dancers, gurus, groups, divas and doyens feature in it, covering 5 generations. It shows how forms evolved, who were the pioneers, great gurus and dancers, in independent India. “A benchmark documentation on Indian dance heritage and history...“ noted India Today.
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