While video games generally tend to focus on the young-guns, just where would some of our favourite heroes and villains be without their mummies? Part sexiness, part motherly awesomeness, here’s our top five MILFs in gaming!
5. The Boss - MGS 3: Snake Eater
Mother of Revolver Ocelot
The Boss is the mother of Revolver Ocelot and as tough as titanium nails soaked in the Essence of Chuck Norris. Mentoring the greatest soldier of the 20th Century, giving birth on the battlefield and sacrificing herself for her country are but a few ticks on her résumé. The Boss is a feminine force to be reckoned with... if you like it rough, that is.
4. Sindel - Mortal Kombat series
Mother of Kitana
Mother of the ass-kicking fan-wielding Princess Kitana, Sindel’s bark is just as deadly as her bite. In fact, you could say that her bark is her bite! But beyond Sindel’s hardened exterior and deadly hair, she’s an incredibly loving, caring person. Just don’t upset her or she’ll scream the flesh off your bones!
3. C. Viper - Street Fighter IV
Mother of Lauren
Would you ever have guessed that the ruthless C. Viper was a mother? Her dress sense and huge scorpion stinger-like ponytail make it clear that this woman means business. But try to harm her little Lauren once and she’ll put the smackdown on you before you can say maternal instinct.
2. Sophitia - Soulcalibur series
Mother of Pyrrha and Patroklos
A fan-favourite of the Soulcalibur series, this demi-god warrioress is a picture of beauty housed within a frame of devotion to her family. Put simply, Sophitia is the woman of your dreams but the thing of nightmares for her adversaries. If you had to have your neck snapped by anyone, it might as well be by Sophitia, right?
1. Mad Moxxi - Borderlands series
Mother of Scooter and Ellie
Mad as a box of squirrels and equally as alluring, Mad Moxxi is unquestionably gaming’s number one MILF. And she’s not just a pretty face either. You can see much more of her by going off map in the game. And don’t forget to tip before you leave otherwise you’re just being rude.
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