Sea Launch Zenit 3SL Failure - NSS-8 - Multi-view Footage (Previously unseen)

Now that Sea Launch - albeit under Russian control - is expected to see the Oddessy Launch Platform make a come back with the Soyuz 7, we’ve dug up these clips from the depth of NSF L2 and edited together a video. The only videos on youtube show the first 10 seconds and Sea Launch’s live webcast at the time cutting to its logo seconds after the failure. Our video shows the uncut version and some clips from the cameras both on Oddessy and Sea Commander, provided exclusively to NSF. The event: On 30 January 2007, a Zenit-3SL lost thrust almost immediately after liftoff - caused by debris in the turbopump. The payload was NSS-8 communications satellite for SES New Skies. Sea Launch recovered and launched again, but later went out of business. After being mothballed in Long Beach, the platform will be used by the Russian Soyuz 7 rocket.
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