USSR TV End of Day Sign-off with Anthem (Translated into English + Subtitled)

Before the advent of twenty-four-hour television, channels would shut off broadcasts at a given time each night and show a “sign-off“ to tell viewers to turn off the TV. Most channels all around the world showed the national anthem accompanied by patriotic images or videos; others (Like RTÉ in Ireland) would broadcast a prayer or religious song. I think this version was broadcast on national holidays in the USSR. The practice of “signing-off“ has largely grown out of fashion around much of the world because TV channels either show programming through the night or fill the wee hours with advertising. However, a few local stations in the USA have reintroduced the practice as a means to instil patriotism and Radio 4 in the UK also still plays “God Save the Queen“ daily. Through Google Translate I found this on Russian YouTube and added some subtitles. It claimed to show the CCCP TB (Soviet equivalent of BBC/NHK) end of day sign off from the 1980s, although in the
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