Immigrants in Zambia

Immigrants in Zambia Zambia, like many other countries, has a history of immigration that has contributed to its cultural diversity and economic development. Here is some information about immigrants in Zambia: 1 - Historical Immigration: Zambia has a long history of immigration, with various ethnic groups and communities settling in the region over centuries. This includes Bantu-speaking peoples who migrated to the area, as well as more recent immigrants who arrived during the colonial period and post-independence era. 2 - Refugees: Zambia has been a host country for refugees from neighboring countries, particularly during times of conflict and political instability in the region. Notable refugee populations have come from countries such as Angola, the Democratic Republic of Congo (DRC), Rwanda, and Zimbabwe. 3 - Economic Migration: Like many countries, Zambia has attracted economic migrants from other countries in search of better job opportunities and living conditions. Immigran
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