Paris Peace Conference (1946)

Unissued / unused material - dates and locations may be unknown / unclear. Paris Peace Conference, France. Several shots of delegates arriving at the Luxembourg Palace for the Paris Peace Conference. Russian Foreign Minister Vyacheslav Molotov arrives by car. French Prime Minister Georges Bidault arrives. Indian delegate wearing elaborate turban arrives and speaks to others in the courtyard outside the Palace. The same man gets into his car and is driven off. Andre Vyshinsky, advisor to Molotov stands on a balcony of the Palace, looking very thoughtful. Various shots of cars arriving and leaving the Palace. Photographers wait to get pictures of delegates arriving. People mill about before going inside. Several shots inside the conference room showing delegates in their places. Molotov and Vyshinsky talk in an Ante Room. Mr Byrnes, US Secretary of State for Foreign Affairs arrives at the Palace by car and goes inside. Inside conference hall we see Bidault, Chairman of Conference, si
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