Edvard Munch: What A Cigarette Means

MY BOOK OF ESSAYS IS OUT NOW! AMAZON: EVERYWHERE ELSE: . HELP ME MAKE MORE VIDEOS: SOURCES: Patricia Berman, “Edvard Munch’s Self-Portrait with Cigarette: Smoking and the Bohemian Persona The Art Bulletin, Vol. 75, No. 4 (Dec., 1993), pp. 627-646 Patricia Berman, “(Re-) Reading Edvard Munch: Trends in the Current Literature“ Scandinavian Studies, Vol. 66, No. 1 (Winter 1994), pp. 45-67 Max Nordau, “Degeneration“ 1892 (The chapter on the Decadents is the most relevant to this video) Dr. L. Bremer, “Tobacco, Insanity and Nervousness“ 1892
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