Solo bushcraft trip - northern wilderness, canoeing, net fishing, chaga, lavvu etc. [long version]

Overnight trip. Campsite on a small uninhabitaded island and a travel across the water to reach a mountain top. Only eat what I can find and catch. Open the full video description for more information. This is the long version. Here is the short version ---------------------------- Date: 11-07-2019 to 12-07-2019 Day: 20°C (68°F) Night: 10°C (50°F) Location: Sapmi - the land of the Sami people in Norway, Sweden, Finland and Russia. Clean and remote classic northern wilderness. Fresh water rivers. Pine, spruce and birch forrest. Mountains, bears, wolves, eagles, reindeers etc. No wildlife is giving campers problems. I can’t give you any information about my location, only that I am somewhere in Sapmi. Consuming: Chaga tea, labrador tea and whitefish. _________________ A few questions: 1. Can you twist all branches into rope like that. Yes. At least all the species pressent in my area of the world. The branch need to be green and you just need to taking y
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