DreamWorks // Secrets

Guys! Amber is back!! Oh my goodness it’s been forever since I’ve edited a video! So many reasons I’ve been away. Carpal tunnel, school, work, my computer died at one point and I lost all my programs, and lack of inspiration overall, but I’m proud to present to you guys the video that I had almost finished back in June of 2018 that I finally got the inspiration to just finish today to show you all! It’s a DreamWorks tribute, as you can tell, and I tried to use as many as possible (HTTYD1 is not in here because my video file wasn’t compatible with my Premiere). If you guys didn’t know, Secrets is my favorite song and I’d been dying to do a DreamWorks video with it for so long! I intended the video to be a hodge podge of editing styles rather than one consistent style. There was a reason for my wanting to do this, but I don’t really remember what it was :/ I hope it doesn’t look too all over the place though. I hope you guys like it
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