House of the Dragon - Episode 5 PREVIEW TRAILER | Game of Thrones Prequel (HBO)
House of the Dragon” takes place almost 200 years before the events of “Game of Thrones.” The series follows the Targaryen family — that would be the silver-haired, dragon-flying crew, the one that Emilia Clarke (Daenerys Targaryen) made famous in the original series — just as it is about to rupture, with dire consequences for the realm.
Three years after the most popular show in HBO’s history bowed out, the hunt for a successor is finally over. It took a lot of effort to get here. Numerous “Thrones” prequels were put into development, and a pilot episode for another spinoff was filmed before it was canceled. Tens of millions of dollars have been poured into the winner of the bake-off, “House of the Dragon.”
The House of the Dragon Episode 5 teaser opens with ships sailing and Viserys (Paddy Considine) arriving somewhere that is most certainly not Kings Landing. In voice over, Viserys says, “I wish to propose a marriage…to my daughter and heir.” After a title card that says, “On the Next House of the Dragon,” we see a dwarf very spiritedly banging on a drum. Someone says, “A royal wedding,” as even more ships with the House Velaryon Seahorse take to the sea.
Then we’re back in Kings Landing. Viserys and Rhaenrya — all clad in white — rise from a feast table that’s been set up in front of the Iron Throne. People applaud as Viserys says in voice over, “I hope to herald in a second age of dragons.” We see two dragons fly over the water. Rhaenyra looks out over a sun set.
We cut to Rhaenys (Eve Best) telling her husband Corlys Velaryon (Steve Toussaint), “Rhaenyra’s succession will be challenged.” Then there’s a quick montage of the Lannisters rolling into the royal wedding and a guilty looking Criston alone with Alicent. Rhaenys says, “Knives will come out.” Then there’s a montage of fighting at Rhaenyra and Laenor’s wedding feast.
There’s a shot of Alicent looking sad, Corlys looking like a badass, Daemon wearing a hood, and Otto says in voice over, “The king will die,” as we get a shot of Viserys looking half dead in front of his beloved model city of Old Valyria. There are some dramatic shots of Rhaenyra as Otto adds, “And if Rhaenyra succeeds him, war will follow.” Someone falls off a horse and Alicent shudders as she sees something happen in a courtyard below. Otto tells an upset Alicent, “Prepare Aegon to rule.”
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