DIY - How to make Framed Backpack - Tutorial Cara Membuat Ransel dengan kawat bingkai - Bag Making

Steps / tahapan : 00:00 - Intro 2:00 - Step 1 : Patterns and Materials Preparation / Persiapan Pola dan Material 2:56 - Step 2 : Sewing the Zippered Pockets / Menjahit Kantong Resleting. 3:34 - Step 3 : Sewing the 3D Pocket / Menjahit Kantong 3D 4:17 - Step 4 : Sewing the Straps / Menjahit Tali Tas 9:26 - Step 5 : Sewing the Bottom / Menjahit Bagian Dasar 10:52 - Step 6 : Sewing the Gussets / Menjahit Gusset 14:12 - Step 7 : Sewing the Laptop Pocket / Menjahit Kantong Laptop 15:20 - Step 8 : Finishing the Lining / Menyelesaikan Bagian Inner 16:16 - Step 9 : Sewing the Main Zipper / Menjahit Re...sleting Utama 20:17 - Step 10 : Sewing The Zipper with the Main Body / Menjahit Reselting dengan Bodi Utama 21:42 - Step 11 : Sewing the Lining with the Main Body / Menjahit Bagian Inner dengan Bodi Utama 25:06 - Step 12 : Installing the Wire Frame / Memasang Bingkai Kawat 26:16 - Step 13 : Attaching the Zipper Pullers / Memasang Kepala Resleting 27:31 - The Bag is Finished. ================ Hello... In this video you will find the complete tutorial on how to make the backpack with a wire frame. The final size of the bag is 30 x 38 x 14 cm. You can download the pattern for free through the link below. ================ Olá... Neste vídeo você encontrará o tutorial completo de como fazer a mochila com armação de arame. O tamanho final da bolsa é 30 x 38 x 14 cm. Você pode baixar o padrão gratuitamente através do link abaixo. =============== 你好... 在本視頻中,您將找到有關如何製作帶有線框的背包的完整教程。 袋子的最終尺寸為 30 x 38 x 14 厘米。 您可以通過以下鏈接免費下載該模式。 =============== Halo... Di video kali ini teman-teman akan menemukan tutorial lengkap cara membuat tas ransel dengan rangka kawat. Ukuran akhir tas adalah 30 x 38 x 14 cm. Teman-teman dapat mengunduh polanya secara gratis melalui tautan di bawah ini. =============== ❗️❗️ PATTERN DOWNLOAD / UNDUHAN POLA / Download de padrão ❗️❗️ =============== Support me on Patreon: Mau traktir saya kopi? : Follow my instagram to see my daily crafting activities: #bagmakingtutorial #bagmaking #StayAtHome #WithMe
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