Beauty in the Traditional Latin Mass/La Belleza en la misa Tradicional/

Una Voce Federation has created a series of illustrative videos that show some of the most relevant aspects of the Traditional Latin Mass (TLM) in order that more people can get to know and appreciate the richness of our Catholic Heritage If you want to learn more about the Traditional Latin Mass or Usus Antiquior you can visit our website where you will find several resources and information of one our member associations that are distributed around the world working to help promote and defend the TLM. Beauty in the Traditional Latin Mass I think it’s very true that we live in world in which there is so much ugliness, and in wich ugliness is celebrated and cultivated in the arts, in public spaces, si people I think know without being able to necessarily express the fact that they need beauty in their lives and of course many people encounter that in the Traditional Mass. I actually know a priest who was raised a non-practicing Lutheran, and is now a very ardent supporter of the traditional Mass
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