San Francisco drag queen honored at State Capitol for some reason

Hey, did you know it’s ‘Pride Month’? Yes, we know they seem to say that every month, but trust us guys, this really is true-and-honest Pride Month. As such, politicians must appease the woke gods by prostrating themselves in front of, well, some very odd people. Case in point - San Francisco Senator Scott Wiener (name checks out), who has invited a person called ‘Sister Roma’ to the State Capitol to be honored with a ceremony. The reason isn’t clear, but we’re sure there must be one. ‘Sister Roma’ is a member of the ‘Sisters of Perpetual Indulgence,’ a group of ‘queer and trans activists’ who call themselves ‘nuns’. To no one’s surprise, this has angered many Christians, who assembled at the Capitol for a prayer vigil in protest. Not sure why they call themselves nuns, guess it just became a habit.
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