Clevver TV: Реклама супер кубка под впечатлением от Сумеречной Саги

- Watch the commercial! - Become a Fan! - Follow Us! Hey hey! Thanks for checking out ClevverTV. I’m your host Dana Ward here in Hollywood and we’ve got some details on how vampires is the center of discussion once again and this round it’s for a 2012 Super Bowl commercial. Keep in mind that these Super Bowl ads are some of the most talked about tv spots ever, so it’s a pretty big deal. It’s a promo for Audi, specifically for its LED headlights. So to break it down, this dude vampire is on his way to a cool vampire bonfire with the party drinking goods -- ya know he’s got some fresh blood in a cooler for all of his friends. We see lots of fangs, tree climbing and excitement when “the party arrives.“ He pulls up in his Audi and all of the cool vampires just burn into nothing thanks to the powerful LED headlights of the car. By the time our blood-bringing main guy g
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