Iceland Volcano Update; A Road is Melting at the Hengill Volcano

On May 11th of 2023, a section of road within Iceland began to rapidly heat up, deform, and then melt. This occurred on a section of Route 1 adjacent to the active Hengill volcano. This video discusses why this process began to occur, the melting of asphalt, and what might have potentially caused a new hot spring to form underneath the road. A special thanks and also please subscribe to: @JustIcelandic, who graciously allowed me to use his drone footage published in one of his YouTube videos in addition to 4 of his drone thermal images. He regularly livestreams Kilauea’s and now Mauna Loa’s volcanic eruptions. Video Source 1: Thumbnail Photo Credit: This work “FumarolesIceland19“, is a derivative of a photo (resized, cropped, text overlay, overlaid with GeologyHub made graphics (the GeologyHub logo and the image border)) from “bernd_thaller“, by: Bernd Thaller, bernd_thaller, 2018, Posted on Flickr
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