Hello, my friends, this is Dr. Beter. Today is February 27, 1977, and this is my monthly AUDIO LETTER No. 21.

For some time now I have been warning you of the dangers facing America. Now, time is fast running out. When Jimmy Carter was inaugurated President on January 20, 1977, a contingency plan concocted in 1963 was set in motion, and it is progressing very rapidly. The key to this particular plan was to be the placement of a completely puppetized president in office at a time of rapidly-mounting war threats. Under this plan, inadequate performance by the puppet presidents in the face of these dire threats is intended to enable a take-over of the country by Rockefeller - controlled military and CIA inner circles. In this manner the total dictatorship sought by the four Rockefeller Brothers is to be brought into being. My three special topics for today are: Topic #1--HOW OUR NATIONAL SECURITY WAS REALLY LOST Topic #2--PRE-WAR AMERICA, 1977 Topic #3--THE END OF AN ERA.
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