Hey guys! So this is a video I have been wanting to make for some time now, and I have finally figured it all out and found the time to get this recorded. This 3D style of lettering mixed with the right textures can create a hyper-realistic 3D brush stroke, or at least looks as such. It reminds me more of acrylic paints, if you’re not sure what they are, just google it and you will see what I mean. As I mention in the tutorial, a lot of this is just trail and improvement, there is a lot of tweaking to get the desired result, but that’s the fun of this process, the results are endless. I really
... look forward to seeing what you guys can put together using this new tutorial, it should be fun to see. Make sure you tag me on social media if you do use this tutorial as I would love to see what you come up with!
Anyway, I hope this tutorial has helped some of you guys out and allowed you to further your design skills, take it easy!
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