Japan 1948 1950

My Dad was an Army officer who was transferred to Tokyo in early 1947. After a short time the rest of the family followed- My Mother, Martha, my Grandmother, Beatrice, and my sister, Kathy. We traveled by ship from New York, through the Panama Canal, to Hawaii and on to Yokohama- a 30 day trip. The “Alexander“ was an old, slow ex-German Hamburg-Amerika liner. We enjoyed living in Japan during the Occupation years. These pictures were scanned from 35mm color slides that were taken by my parents using Kodak Kodachrome film- a fine-grain, color-stable film but it had a very slow ASA rating of only 10. The main camera was a Cannon IIB with a 50mm f 1.9 lens. Bear in mind that this film is almost 75 years old! I apologize if I have misspelled any names or misidentified any places. Enjoy.
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