A state-of-the-art operating room at St. Luke’s Hospital. St. Petersburg. Endourocenter

What is a state-of-the-art operating room? How do innovative medical technologies make the work of surgeons, anesthesiologists, and operating room nurses easier? Welcome to a video tour of one of the most advanced operating rooms in Russia at St. Luke’s Clinical Hospital in St. Petersburg, also known as the Endourocenter, i.e. the City Center of Endoscopic Urology and High Medical Technologies. Doctors of this hospital talk about the origins of this new surgery suite, what possibilities they now have with this Smart Operating Room. Find more about the MVS Company: #умнаяоперационная #интегрированнаяоперационная #MedicalVisualSystems #стандартыоснащенияоперационных #видеоархивопераций #современнаяурология #медицинскиесистемывизуализации #высокотехнологичнаямедицина #нацпроект #медтех #рентгенографическаяоперационная #OR #digitaloperatingroom
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