Why are we so obsessed with knowing everything? While there’s nothing wrong with knowledge and understanding, our insatiable desire to know and control all aspects of our lives often gets in our way of trying new things. There is no shame in not knowing, there is only freedom. An uncertain mind is an open mind. It is a mind which is curious and interested. It allows us to be creative and willing to live in a state of wonder and possibility, like children do. When we meet life with a genuine sense of uncertainty, we cease to project that which we think we know, and we instead begin to see life for what it truly is. It is life itself, unfolding before our eyes. Filmed in Montagu, South Africa. Featuring Hanna Naude. All of our films are made possible through the generous support of our patrons. To be part of this journey : If you’d prefer to make once off contribution, our PayPal details are :
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