Mortal Kombat 3 - Sprite Comparison - Snes vs Genesis vs ARCADE! (Vanilla version)

Another comparison. Now between Genesis, Arcade and SNES. Aways amazes me the ammount of minimal differences I can spot on Genesis/SNES that are different from the original even with this kind of sprite that was obviously just scalled down and chopped instead of re-drawned. Example: Shang Tsung doesn’t’ have a mustache on SNES/GENESIS! Kano doesn’t have a mouth on Genesis! Home ports suffer a lot with less blood, less frames of animation, different timing on combos and genesis even more with poor color pallete. At least genesis was more careful with the details of the game. A lot of small details were made equal to the original where SNES didnt bothered much about it and I still dont know why they didnt. Well... in my opinion, overall, the SNES port wins this battle, because I heard still today (2018) there is a lot of people playing SNES version of this game in online matches and tournaments around the globe. I just can’t understand why on earth someone would preffer the SNES version over the amazing arcade game. This is a topic that I will study more and maybe make another video about it. DISCLAIMER: English isnt my native language. Im from Brazil, so expect some errors and please forgive me about it. That’s the main reason I dont do videos speaking and rather use texts.
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