One Minute News (1948)

Full title reads: “ ONE MINUTE NEWS - PARIS“. Versailles, Paris, France. Long shot of a model standing under archway in King’s garden at Versailles wearing a tight-skirted ensemble of black silk with strapless tunic embroidered with pearls. Model walking towards camera, wearing an evening gown of brocade with a short coat. Close up shot model wearing brocade dress, pan as she walks up to other model. Close up shot of the two models talking. Girl in brocade on left. She takes off jacket. Model walking up to statue wearing a cocktail gown of one part silk and one part silk woven with velour. Model looking at statue. Same dress. Close up shot of model looking at statue, pan as she walks down steps. Long shot of model wearing evening gown of black velvet. Close up shot of the girl displaying black velvet dress, pan as she walks past fountain. Title reads: “MANCHESTER“. Manchester, Lancashire. British Empire Lightweight Championship boxing match between Billy Thompson from Yorkshire and Arthur King of
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