A DEATH. Moscow, 2021 Документальный фильм об исследовании покинутых деревень, уходящей культуры деревенского быта и человеческой памяти. Приуроченный к выставке Василия Кононова-Гредина “Русская смерть“ Режиссер-оператор: Сергей Юферов. Автор проекта: Василий Кононов-Гредин. Музыка: Amulets - Blooming For me, a special significance in my works is the manifestation of the” Decisive Moment“, a documented fragment of life. One of my latest projects is a documentary about the study of abandoned villages, the outgoing culture of rural life and human memory, “Russian Death“. The idea of the project, the film, came when I was invited to participate in the expedition by a friend of the artist Vasily Kononov-Gredin for his project with the same name. Being in abandoned villages, I began to shoot there what was left of my former life and my feelings. And there the idea was born to show how the project of Vasily was created, I wanted to reflect the atmosphere in which we spent time and to convey the topics of conversation that we raised, being alone among the former villages. And also show the new life that exists there. In this film, I reflected my experience of shooting and realized my handwriting in the presentation of the material, outside of the usual formats of such filming. It was important to show the reason for the departure from the villages of the culture of village life and human memory. This is, in fact, a study of Russian culture.
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