14 New Age or Old Lie

New Age, spiritualistic philosophies have influenced much of today’s world and even though many Christians condemn this movement, yet many of them fail to see how several of its philosophies have actually permeated the church. In this presentation, Pastor Bohr discusses how God is a person in heaven and not an essence present everywhere in nature as New Age pantheists teach today. The Bible teaches that God preceded, created and is above and beyond nature. Man, created in the image of God, was made higher and differently from animals and plants in that he was given the power to choose to obey or disobey a God-given code of Law that was required of him by an Authority outside of him. He did not possess an inherent standard of right and wrong in and of himself. Neither did he possess inherent immortality as New Agers teach that we have. We have all sinned and would have died had Christ not stepped in with a plan to save us. Someday we will all appear before His judgment seat to be held accountable for our lives here and the results of our choices will end in either eternal life in heaven or death. We do not judge ourselves by our own internal standards and “value clarifications“, as spiritualists teach, but are judged by Christ’s Law. The Sabbath was given by God as a sign of this distinction we are to acknowledge to be between our Creator and His created beings. We worship Him on that day as thus being superior to us and thus having the right to tell us how and when He wants us to worship Him. Pastor Bohr shows that all these truths of the Bible are made null and void by the belief system of the New Age movement. This topic is very important to pay attention to, because when Christians teach that the seventh-day Sabbath of the Ten Commandments is no longer binding, that man has the power to change God’s Law by claiming His holy worship day to be Sunday, that the Law was done away with at the cross, that correct doctrine is not terribly important as long as there is unity in “love“, that man has an immortal soul and that the wages of sin are not really death, but eternal life burning in hell, they are really believing and accepting the same principles as pantheistic New Agers do when they think their ideas, standards and doctrines to be superior to the laws, standards and doctrines which God has clearly revealed in the Bible and asked of them to believe and follow. They are really repeating the same sins of Eden in thus making themselves as God and believing satan’s twin lies to Eve that humans could break God’s Law and would not die.
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