"Obokuri — Eeumi" (Traditional) — Ikue Asazaki feat. Akira Takahashi

“Obokuri — Eeumi“ [おぼくり~ええうみ], is an Amami shimauta [奄美島唄 / Literally, Amami island song or Amami community song], a traditional song of the Amami Islands in Japan, and the lyrics are sung in the Amami dialect, which includes ancient words found in the chronicle of myths “Kojiki“ [古事記 / Literally, Records of Ancient Matters] and the poetry anthology “Man’yōshū“ [万葉集 / Literally, Collection of Ten Thousand Leaves] compiled in the 8th century. The title of the first part song “Obokuri“ means words of appreciation, while the meaning of “Eeumi“, the other old Amami dialect, is unknown. This was recorded in 1997 by Ikue ASAZAKI [朝崎 郁恵], singer from Amami Islands, and Akira TAKAHSHI [高橋 全] who played piano and wrote the arrangement, and was used in the episode 14 i
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