Australia Welcomes Us Fleet (1941)

Item title reads - Australia welcomes U.S. fleet. Sydney, Australia. Various shots of American warships entering Sydney Harbour. Various shots of the American battleship “Chicago“. Various shots of American sailors marching through Sydney, the streets and buildings are lined by dense crowds and the troops are given a ticker tape welcome in the American style. C/U Stars and Stripes with the flag of Australia and a pair of joined hands superimposed. C/U as sweepers clear the paper from the street after the march past. Various shots of American sailors in the streets of Sydney looking at the sights and talking to Australians. C/U two American sailors at a bar. Montage of shots of dancers, wine being poured into a glass, girls, and jazz bands. C/U of the two sailors resting on a park bench. M/S of the Australians waving to the Americans as the ships depart. Various shots of the warships in Sydney Harbour surrounded by hundreds of yachts and launches. L/S of Sydney with the ships and pleasure craft in
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