Modern house located in Melbourne, Australia, designed by Matt Gibson Architecture.
This site is north orientated and virtually square in dimension with a tennis court doglegged at the rear. It resides amongst a neighbourhood of sizeable blocks within an eclectic mix of mostly detached houses. The positioning of the building on the site was dictated by a 10m frontage set back. In order to gain maximum northern exposure and to maximise the rear POS an east-west band is positioned as far forward as possible offering the most responsive footprint.
Designed to forge a direct relationship betwee
...n inside and outside the house contains 2 longitudinal zones of space located to the north and south of an east-west spine -Living to the north and Sleeping to the south. These spaces are organised about a central entry corridor that bisects the front elevation almost symmetrically.
The tapered concrete form provides a lens to maximise views to both front (over the newly landscaped Rick Eckersley gardeShow more