Culture shock: Shouganai カルチャーショック:しょうがない

Italian subtitles thanks to: entomio93 Romanian subtitles thanks to: Alexandra X French subtitles thanks to: MrsKaotella Spanish subtitles thanks to: Álvaro Gutiérrez León About the Japanese phrase shouganai (or shikata ga nai), and what it really means. 日本の便利な言葉、「しょうがない」についてです。 しょうがない ・ 仕様がない ・ shouganai しかたがない ・ 仕方がない ・ shikata ga nai It can’t be helped. Literally, “There is no way/method.“ Shou (仕様) and shikata (仕方) are nouns that mean “way; method; means.“ Ga (が) marks the subject of the sentence (sho
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