Playwright Beginner Tutorial 9 | Assertions

ALL FREE COURSES - QUIZ - 00:00 *Intro* 00:21 *What are Assertions* Checks or Verification Check actual = expected 00:56 [club113760831|*Assertions] in Playwright* Playwright Test uses expect library for test assertions 01:14 *How to add Assertions* 02:34 [id935541|*Create] a new Test* 04:07 *Demo App* 05:10 [club19215441|*Command] to Run the test* 06:37 [club184598847|*Check] element Present/Not present* await expect((’text=The Kitchen’)).toHaveCount(1); await page.$(’text=The Kitchen’) 11:30 [club184598847|*Check] element Visible/Hidden* await expect((’text=The Kitchen’)).toBeVisible() await expect((’text=The Kitchen’)).toBeHidden() 12:17 [club184598847|*Check] element Enabled/Disabled* await expect((’tex ... #RaghavPal #playwright_assertions #playwright_visual_validation #how_to_add_assertions_in_playwright #what_are_soft_assertions #playwright_step_by_step_from_scratch #what_is_playwright #who_created_playwright #will_playwright_work_in_my_project #playwright_sample_project 20220908 hYNOFle3zic
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