Wing Tsun 1st Chi Sau Section

If you have been taught these sections in another way, that’s OK. As the creator of this whole branch of Wing Chun, Grandmaster Leung Ting, famously said: “The sections are only SIMPLE exercises for beginners to understand BASIC Wing Chun principles!“ Which variation of the sections you are learning is less important as long as you are learning all their lessons for posture, yielding to and using the opponent’s force while using an effective footwork. What is important is intent, never training without the proper threat level from the attacker and counter-attacker, and having an intelligent method for learning the sections. Practice them step by step, like in the video, stopping between hits. Do each part until they can be performed with full speed and intent, stopping only enough power to not hurt the co-student. He/she is letting you strike for your training benefit, it is your responsibility to respect this and only use enough force for a realistic threat without following through with damaging him/her.
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