VELIKY NOVGOROD (Founded in 859). The First Old Capital of Russia in Winter 2023

Exploring the town of Veliky Novgorod (Novgorod The Great) in Winter 2023. *Don’t mess it up with Nizhny Novgorod. Veliky Novgorod is one of the oldest towns of Russia, founded in 859 on the bank of Volkhov River, which is connecting Lake Ladoga and Lake Ilmen. Veliky Novgorod, back in the old days just Novgorod (New Town), is where the Varangian Rurik came in 862. His coming to Novgorod land is considered as the beginning of Russia. Rurik became the beginner of the dynasty of Ruriks which ruled Russia for the next 700 years. Novgorod was the capital of Novgorod Republic which territory lasted from Urals to the Baltics. This trip to Novgorod and video became possible thankful to the Members of my channel. 🗿 Join Memberships to support the new live streams and road trips in 2022 -
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